Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wireless/Radio Spectrum Management Resources

This 2006 paper Regulating Spectrum Management: Overview and Trends is intended to provide readers with a broad overview of wireless communications spectrum management concepts and issues, including a review of differences between traditional spectrum management methods and policy and recent innovations and practices due to technology advances. The approach taken is more descriptive than prescriptive, allowing readers to make up their own mind on various perspectives. The authors have found that there are no standard solutions that fit every situation. (The "open", "commons", or "property rights" spectrum proponents may also wish to review this information.)

Further factual reading material for those wanting to learn more can be found by following these links:

Spectrum Management Overview

An introduction to spectrum management including best practices and considerations involved in the use and regulation of radio frequency spectrum.

Spectrum Policy and Planning

An outline of policy and planning considerations including technical standards and the allocation of spectrum.


An overview of the processes by which users gain access to the spectrum resource.

Spectrum Pricing

A review of the role of spectrum pricing and economics as it relates to the method of spectrum authorization being employed.

Spectrum Monitoring and Compliance

An overview of how spectrum monitoring and compliance can help users by avoiding incompatible frequency usage through identification of sources of harmful interference.

International Affairs

An overview of international harmonization of spectrum utilization.

Developing Spectrum Management Capacity

An overview of the strategies for organization, function, process development, staffing, staff retention and training for spectrum regulators.


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